Posted on 6/1/2020

Growing up I can remember watching all these old shows my parents loved like Leave it to Beaver and The Waldens. But those were just TV shows where people looked out for each other and their neighbors. Where people actually cared. They weren’t real life. People like that couldn’t really exist right? I was wrong. They exist at Clarke Automotive. Amazingly enough generations of them do. Clarke Automotive has been around since 1978, but where did they start and who was the heart behind such a family friendly, customer-oriented establishment? Where do all those beliefs about customers needing honest, understandable information for their repair needs come from? After graduating from Florida State with a degree in finance, Bob Clarke wanted a place where he could settle down, raise a family with morals and values, and be part of a community he could contribute to and believe in. He chose Brandon Florida because in his opinion it was the best location to do all those t ... read more